Magic Kingdom Utilidors — The Underground City

Utilidors, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World

For years I heard about the “underground city” beneath the Magic Kingdom. That’s the way all the deliveries, employees going to work, etc. seemed to magically appear. Since hearing of the Magic Kingdom utilidors, I HAD to see them and learn more about the system. A few years later, as …

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Cinderella’s Castle in Review

Cinderella's Castle-25th-cake

One look at the iconic Cinderella Castle and you know where you are — in Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World!  It’s one of the happiest places on earth to vacation.  The castle has had several different looks. I thought it would be fun to take a stroll down memory …

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Disney Cast Member Shopping Frenzy

Magic Kingdom Christmas Garlands

One of the nice things about being a Cast Member at Walt Disney World is shopping at Cast Connections — a store where clothing closeouts, viagra canada and furnishings/accessories from resorts being refurbished, tadalafil etc. are sold. I’ll never forget my first surprise encounter with Disney holiday decorations. I had …

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Dreams Still Coming True After 44 Years

Cinderella Castle 1971

October 29th in history marks the final stage of the 1971 grand opening events for Walt Disney World. The three-day celebration was filmed and shared with the television world on this date and dreams are still coming true after 44 years. The three-day grand opening celebration began on October 23 …

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Roy Disney-Unsung Hero of Walt Disney World

RoyDisney-Minnie at Disney World

In October 1971, buy cialis Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, best viagra Florida — a place where “dreams come true.” And, indeed, it was the dream of Walt Disney to build a larger and even better Disneyland. Even though Walt did not live to see his Disney World dream …

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